
Species Observed – 232
& Photographed – 158


Mainland & Mousa – Shetland Wildlife Part 5

If you have been reading my previous blogs you will have noted they are mostly of the outer Isles (North Isles, Noss, Foula) along with an amazing encounter with Orcas. Well in this post I will wrap up what we saw on the mainland along with a late night trip…

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Noss from above and below – Shetland Wildlife Part 4

Noss is an island off an island (Bressay) off an island (Mainland Shetland) off an Island (Britain) but don’t let this put you off getting there, it is actually quite easy. Noss National Nature Reserve (NNR) features one of the three great seabird cities on Shetland (the others being Herma…

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Orca – Shetland Wildlife Part 3

In this post I set out my top 8 steps to having an amazing encounter with Orca in Shetland. I have just come back from the most amazing wildlife encounter… ever. I was about 5m from the mouth of a bull Orca. Put another way I was closer to its…

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Foula – Shetland Wildlife Part 2

So Shetland is remote, you know this because when you look at a map of the UK it is often shown as an insert box. In fact Shetland is closer to Norway than it is to Edinburgh. But if you look at a map of Shetland, you will see that…

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North Isles – Shetland Wildlife Part 1

For our summer holiday this year we have taken a trip to Shetland for the first time and here is my first blog about what we have been seeing. First up the northern isles of Yell, Unst and Fetlar. Yell Now if there is ever an example of why you…

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A visit to Trossachs Osprey Hide

I recently heard through a friend that a new Osprey hide had opened up at a fish farm near Callander. I decided to pay it a visit. Ospreys are wild birds but they are not stupid, they like an easy meal and will happily take fish from well stocked fish…

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Isle of May (in May)

It appears that a visit to the Isle of May is an annual pilgrimage for me one way or another. So it was good to connect with one old and three brand new birding friends to pay another visit this week. We saw the usual sea birds on the way…

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Winter Wonderland at Caerlaverock

As a season, winter can be cold, wet and dark but if you can look beyond the weather there is a wonderland of wildlife out there to be observed. Now I look forward to spring and the return of all our summer migrants (along with warm sunny days and emerging…

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Waxwing lyrical (in a roundabout way)

A roundabout isn’t a place you would usually associate with nature. And a fairly busy roundabout in congested Sighthill, Edinburgh even less so. But… this is winter, and winter means Waxwings. Well sometimes it does. Last year it didn’t! It was a poor year for waxwings. Too many berries in…

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Christmas birding and the year of the Snow Goose

Nothing like a couple of weeks off to plan to get out and see some wildlife after a busy few months with work. And I thought I would just share what I have been seeing over the Christmas and New Year break. Taking a walk from my house in Menstrie…

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